A simple review from you can change the future of Grandma Badass!
Have you played Grandma Badass and liked the game? Did you have a good time?
Please know that you can make one last gesture of kindness and kindness towards this game before the end of the year: all you have to do is give your opinion on the game!
Many people are unaware of the importance of his review on the game’s Steam page, small and short as it is!
When you post a positive comment or review about the game on the page, it allows it to be more highlighted on the platform. Below 50 reviews from players who have purchased the game (the games offered are not counted)…the game remains invisible.
A positive review posted sometimes even takes less than a minute…and pushes the game up in the Steam algorithm to make it more visible.
The chain reaction is no longer long in coming: motivation and recognition…we want to play another game…
But if people love the game, but don’t say it…well the game remains in the depths of the abyss of Steam…no longer sells…and no longer gives the motivation to make new other games.
So understand that leaving your opinion on the game’s Steam page is of capital importance, especially when you are like me a solo developer, who does everything from A to Z on your own…
I need your support and it doesn’t take more than a minute…so if you bought the Grandma Badass game, played it and enjoyed it (even if you didn’t still had time to finish it), so please leave a review on its Steam page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1606640/